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usb library version 03.02.07


A lot of times when you have a problem with Arduino, the hardware isn't the issue. It's something else in your code. Take for example a common software error found in many projects: USB library version 03.02.07 The most commonly reported error is that when an Arduino is connected to a computer, it sometimes just ... stops working? In my case, I was trying to use my board to setup two serial ports and I noticed that any time I tried rebooting or connecting with another computer it would freeze and reset- aborting whatever sketch was loaded at the time. This problem arose from how my code was setup and not the hardware. The way I originally got my board to communicate with a computer was by connecting it via USB and using the Arduino software. I also used this to upload sketches to the board, set up serial ports, and even transfer files to and from the board. This is fine for learning purposes but if you plan on using your Arduino as a tool you'll need some way of controlling it from a computer. In order for this to work your Arduino must be setup as a USB serial port on your computer rather than being directly connected. This way you can run terminal programs, editors, and other tools directly on the Arduino board. There are some drawbacks to doing this. The data transfer speeds are slower than direct USB connection because of the process of serializing data first before sending it over USB. Also the size of your sketch is limited by how much memory your Arduino has. For example if you have a Uno it can only hold up to 13KB (1K = 1024 bytes) worth of code (arguably that's still quite a bit). These two problems can be solved by uploading your sketch to a chip with more memory and having it talk to your Arduino via the serial port. In my case I picked a Pro Mini 328 because it is smaller, cheaper, and has more memory. I then connected the Pro Mini to the Arduino using a serial port adapter from Sparkfun. The adapter requires power from an external DC source. I used a 9V battery and wired it directly to the positive and negative terminals on the adapter. Make sure you have a breadboard or something similar to hold the components together. I also used small pieces of hookup wire to connect the Pro Mini's reset pin with one on my Arduino. The Arduino will act as a passthrough for commands, so anything you send to the Arduino will be sent on to the ProMini. To upload your sketch, just use your computer's standard upload method, just like before. Then start up your terminal program and begin sending data to the Pro Mini. You can use free software like Putty or Minicom on Windows or Mac OSX and screen on Linux to send data directly from the command line. eccc085e13

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